Welcome to the web-platform of the project Priorities in the digitization of books, documents, photos and modern approaches of promoting the digitized materials /DigiPrior/. Some of the pages on this platform are under construction.
The huge amount of written heritage needs priorities for digitization. Some artefacts need digitization due to destruction processes, others due to rarity, and still others due to the high demand for reading, etc. The time constrains and limited budgets make the digitization situation interesting since the managers, librarians and archivists have to decide on priorities. There is also another problem, sometimes digitization is applied to items that are not important at all or could wait for later conversion. In a middle or small scale organization, in many situations, there is not enough capacity for such decisions. The project addresses the lack of C-VET training materials in how to prioritize the written heritage artefacts for digitization and how to share the digitized content attractively in the net.
The main goal of the project is to increase the capacity (knowledge, skills and competencies) of librarians, archivists, collectors and library managers in the sphere of prioritizing the items for digitization and attractive/motivating presentation of the digital artefacts via creating appropriate training materials and training tools for the target groups, as well as to train future trainers to ensure sustainability and reproduction of the results. The project will develop products and cooperate partners in the field of continues Vocational Education and Training (additional qualification, out of school training). One of the main goals of the current project is to systematize, integrate and widespread the modern practices, not only among small libraries, but also among VET institutions as a means of renovation of the work methods and resources for educators and learners.
Via the development of Protocol for selecting the materials for digitization, Indicators calculator, Competence Framework, Learning Management System (LMS) with Training Units, Short training movies, Video guide-Approaches for attractive digital representation of the digital content and rising the motivation of young learners and training activities related to the topics of prioritization for digitization and promotion of the digitized materials, the project improves the skills and knowledge of the target group.

The project is supported by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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